
1/15/2021: Top 10 Issues That Arise In Partition Cases: A Real Property Practitioners Guide To Partitions

Join me to Zoom-In to watch A. Jeanne Grove, partner at Kaufman, Dolowich & Voluck, LLP speak about Top 10 Issues That Arise In Partition Cases: A Real Property Practitioners Guide To Partitions presented by the Contra Costa Bar Association Real Estate Section.  Jeanne Grove has 15 plus years of real estate litigation in both Northern and Southern California.  She is the 2013 Morning Star Recipient which goes the a real property practitioner who has demonstrated excellence in leadership.  She is a contributor to the Real Property Journal and wrote “The Inspection Contingency in a Purchase & Sale Contract: Is It a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card? BERXI”.  She focuses her practice on real estate and business litigation, including HOA and co-ownership issues, purchase/sale disputes and nondisclosure claims, and boundary, title, development and construction matters.

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