
4/15/2020 Interview With Victor Rocha: CLA Real Property Executive Committee Member

Executive Committee Focus

Victor Rocha

By John (J.R.) Richards

Question:  Tell me about what kind of work that you do?

I work for State Compensation Insurance Fund, which is a hybrid government agency/insurance carrier created by the California Constitution under Article 14, Section 4, whose purpose is to provide workers’ compensation insurance for California employers.  I work as an attorney within the subrogation department filing actions for the recovery of benefits paid to covered employees.  Most of the time, the cases involve premise liability, construction accidents, motor vehicle and product liability.

Question:  Did you enjoy law school at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles?  Tell me about your law school days….

I really enjoyed law school and learning about different areas of the law.  I spent way too long trying to figure out whether I had a valid claim against random people for intentional infliction of emotional distress.  But it was very exciting to learn so much.   I feel I gained a greater understanding on how our society and legal system work.

Question:  Do you remember studying for the bar?

The bar was a lot of work, and not necessarily fun. But it was my last significant test of my educational career, so I attacked it with full force. It was make or break and I was highly motivated to pass.

Question:  Do you work on “work/life” balance?

Sometimes you just have to make an executive decision and treat yourself to some free time…something like a “no work” night or weekend. Doing something you always wanted to do or something random works just as well. I personally like being active so anything involving movement.

Question:  What areas of real estate interest you the most?

Most of my real estate background has been in litigation, usually involving a sale, lease, loan or some type of transfer of a real estate interest.  However, I am currently looking to learn more about public policy with regards to meeting our society’s housing needs.  A lot of the material I read says that there is insufficient housing so I would like to learn more to see what can and should be done.

Question:  What CLE topics would you like to see either locally in your area or on a Statewide level?

I like traditional CLE courses that cover the general nuts and bolts of real estate law but also incorporate current events.

Question:  What is your impression of the new organization the CLA?

I am really excited to see how the new sections develop within the CLA. The sections seem eager to improve upon their current services whether through CLE or networking events. Like in some many other areas, the trick is to engage the members and make it fun for everyone. I hope we are able to create energy and a buzz to keep members active and engaged.

Question:  Would you attend a CLE in Northern California?

I do not believe I have attended any CLE in Sacramento or far away from my office, but I would strongly consider doing so depending on what was being offered.  Often, the choice of whether people attend a CLE depends on who is going to be there, where it is, and whether you think you will have fun.   I have been and am going to the Real Property Retreat in Northern California.  I make the trip.

Question:  What are you looking forward to at the retreat?

I will be at the Retreat for all 4 days, Thursday to Sunday.  I will be staying in San Francisco and helping with the Retreat. I will also be moderating a presentation called “Managing Casualties Affecting Commercial Properties” with 3 great panelists, Mark Seifert, Spencer McCann and Paul Tradelius. I like the fact that the retreat is in downtown San Francisco and I do expect to explore the city.  I am from Southern California and looking forward to being a tourist in San Francisco for the weekend. I generally wish I had more time to take more CLE’s as it definitely provides a nice break from the work day.

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